====== PGF/TikZ ====== PGF is a macro pack­age for cre­at­ing graph­ics. It is plat­form- and for­mat-in­de­pen­dent and works to­gether with the most im­por­tant TeX back­end drivers, in­clud­ing pdf­tex and dvips. It comes with a user-friendly syn­tax layer called TikZ. * www.ctan.org/pkg/pgf -- User Manual * {{http://cremeronline.com/LaTeX/minimaltikz.pdf|A very minimal introduction to TikZ}} * [[soft:app:TikZ_Examples]] * [[soft:app:TikZ_FAQ]] * [[http://d.xav.free.fr/tikz/|High quality plots for LaTex with PGF-Tikz and Gnuplot]] * [[http://elishapeterson.wikidot.com/tikz:snippets|PGF/TikZ Code Snippets]] * [[http://elishapeterson.wikidot.com/tikz:diagrams|Drawing Trace Diagrams with TikZ]] * [[http://www.texample.net/tikz/examples/inertial-navigation-system/|A block diagram of an inertial measurement unit.]]