====== Development Environment ====== * [[soft:engineering:A Computer Workplace for Engineers]] * [[soft:app:editing_text]] * [[soft:app:Version Control And Revision Management]] * [[soft:app:Issue Management]] -- Problem Reporting and Bug Tracking * [[Build Control]] * [[https://superuser.com/questions/601198/how-can-i-automatically-convert-all-source-code-files-in-a-folder-recursively|How can I automatically convert all source code files in a folder (recursively) to a single PDF with syntax highlighting?]] * [[Integrated development environments]] * www.epochconverter.com -- Free unix timestamp and epoch conversion tool. * [[http://www.andre-jochim.de/unix_timestamp_umrechnen.htm|Datum umrechnen in Unix-Timestamp]] * [[http://www3.ntu.edu.sg/home/ehchua/programming/|Yet another insignificant programming notes...]]